"My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest..." -Ex. 33:14
One encouraging book I've been reading is by C.H. Spurgeon entitled "Only a Prayer Meeting", which is a compilation of different studies on prayer and various prayer meeting addresses I highly recommend. The subject of prayer and the role of the church prayer meeting was central to Spurgeon and I am always stoked up when I read his discourses concerning prayer.
We are currently calling upon God to build His church in this city by saving the lost, and by supplying a place for us to gather corporately for worship in the future. Though we know that we are taking part in the greater work of God, it's still a daily temptation to get overwhelmed knowing that we are God's instruments to accomplish His mission. Much like Moses, we are often led to that place of desperation that cries out to God, "show me now Your way, that I may know you and that I may find grace in your sight." and "If Your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here."
This leads to the exhortation Spurgeon gives concerning the above verse. *
Moses, in Ex. 33 cries out to God in need of some superior help to which God replies, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Spurgeon comments:
"What more could Moses want then that, and what more can we want? We are so foolish that we look about for strength away from God, but there is none except in Him."
Whatever great work God has called us to be used in, "... this is the assurance that you want in going forth, 'My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.' You will want much help in journeying from place to place; and that help lies in the constant fellowship of your heart with the Lord, the continual presence of God consciously enjoyed...We are only strong as we are overshadowed by the Eternal."
"My presence shall go with thee."
Moses, "is about to start on a journey of great importance, a journey that is to last for forty years; but this is all the provender that he needs, and God himself could not give him more... The most important thing to a Christian worker, as it was with Moses, is to have rest..."
It's so refreshing to rest in the truth that God IS working, even if we feel like we are, like Moses, somewhere out in the middle of the desert. To know that God's presence goes with us, and that His rest will sustain us through the difficult path before us. Praise be to God that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that He will complete that good work which He has began in and through us...
Oh Lord, if your presence doesn't go with us, do not bring us up from here...
Please pray with us, that God would show us where to have future church gatherings, and that He would build His Church!
Much love to ya'll
* C. H. Spurgeon, Only a Prayer Meeting
" Another Spiritual Honey-Drop" Pg.83-84
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