So we have had an exciting last few weeks! Last week we were blessed to be able to visit Chicago for the Gospel Coalition 2009 National Conference , which was an absolutely amazing and encouraging time. It was so nice to see our church fam again and get to know some of the new additions to the staff of LA.
It was also so awesome to see the diversity of denominational backgrounds and styles represented at the conference in the unity of the Word and Spirit. There's nothing more refreshing then to see the body of Christ unite under the banner of the Gospel of Jesus. We all like to talk about it, but it is a whole other thing to witness it. And man, the messages we heard rocked us, convicted us, and stirred us up with excitement for the ministry in London! Words about identifying and destroying idols in culture, facing and defeating fear in life and ministry by God's power, and Preaching the gospel to culture in word & deed, all which were so applicable to us in London. We are so thankful for the amazing opportunity to go. May the Lord use it to impact our lives and community for His glory.
We also got to walk around the streets of Chicago and actually see a game at Wrigley Field! The Cubs lost, as they do often, but it was incredible to see and experience such a historic park, and of course eat all the ballpark junk-food we possibly can.
Now that we're back though, its all about continuing upon the foundation of prayer and engaging in preparation for the prayer tour in Aug. For those of you that don't know, we are planning to host a prayer tour of London Aug. 19-24 with our church family from LA and Carpinteria along with those in our London crew. The Plan is to gather together over the span of several days in different areas of the city for worship and prayer. We believe the Bible, and there we find the single most important work when stepping out in ministry is the work of prayer. We know thats because when we pray we are entrusting the work to God, and it is His work! When Jesus looked upon the lost multitudes, He had compassion on them as a shepherd has for faint and scattered sheep, and He commanded His disciples, not to get right to work, but to first PRAY to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest (Matt. 9:36). So we are praying for GOD to work in our city to reach the lost, to use us in His mission, and send more laborers into the harvest. Also, when Jesus looked over the city of Jerusalem He cried "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under [her] wings, and ye would not!" The heart of God Breaks over the lost cities of the world, and we want our heart to break with His. So we are also going to pray and seek to receive the heart of Jesus for this city as He longs for all to be saved in this great city!
We also want to catch God's vision for this city and grab hold of it through prayer, and for those that are visiting, we want them to be stirred up for the work in London so they can return home and continue praying and interceding for this great city with a fervent heart.
Furthermore, we know that God breaks down strongholds and sends the hosts of hell running when His people pray, and we want the name of Jesus to be proclaimed and glorified in the streets of London, Amen!
We will also be, Lord willing, launching our official church services during the prayer tour as well!
So, to say the least, we are more then stoked about this upcoming summer! With that, there is a lot of prayer needed in all this preparation, as our plans will come to nothing unless the Lord goes before us, and provides for us. May His will be done in all of this for His glory.
Thank you all for your continued love & support in the Lord!
All for Jesus,
I love you guys oh so dearly! I am so excited for the group heading out to London this summer and will be there in prayer!! :)
You guys are amazing!
I will see yu guys in August!! :)
Miss you guys very much! Glad you were so encouraged by your visit to Chicago and can't wait to see you in June.
Praise the LORD FOR Y'ALL! We're praying every week--- always lifting you guys up in London! We miss Hannah! And we miss y'all too! The LORD IS GOOD! August is gonna be awesome!
so excited for this summer and the awesome things the Lord is going to continue doing!!
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