Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Personal Note

So can we be honest here? Things are getting really exciting, and yet at times feel really insane when we consider what's before us. As many already know we are set to launch church services Sunday, 23 August and are currently making a proposal on a local cinema to gather in, which would be nothing short of a miracle if the Lord opens it up.

However, if we are to be brutally honest, its a crazy thought when you feel the Lord leading you to do something that doesn't make logical sense. It's one thing to talk big and exhort others to step out in faith, but when it becomes personal its easy to find yourself trembling a bit. It makes me think about what the priests must have been feeling when they carried the ark down to the raging waters of the Jordan during flood season (Josh 3). Its just not a logical thing to do, but then faith is not logical either is it? Just imagine the implications if Joshua and the elders would've spent days and days doubting and speculating because of the risks involved!! When God speaks, we are called to move. And oh what a glorious end we are moving toward!

Let me explain our situation a bit more. Right now we are looking into hiring a cinema that can hold up to 180 people even though we are only a small band of believers praying in our flat. One might ask, as I have, what's the point!? I really don't see the need for this... isn't it a bit of a foolish move? Well, you tell me, what do you think about a multitude of people, women and children, crossing the raging Jordan river during flood season?! God spoke, the people moved. We believe this is where God is leading us and it looks a little crazy right now, but we are going to step out in obedience and expect God to spread the waters..

How big is our God anyway?? Do we really think that we can wreck God's plans by stepping out in faith towards something He is leading us to do even when it seems risky and dangerous!? Looking back, would anyone call Gideon a fool for taking 300 men into battle against an army so big it couldn't be numbered!? Why are we always trying to "just play it safe" when we serve the sovereign Lord of the Universe who has unlimited resources at His disposal!! He wants to show His power and strength through us! God forbid that we should rob that from Him because of our pride and unbelief. Too often we are afraid of looking like fools when in reality we are only fooling ourselves if we think we are anything more then what the Bible declares us to be (1 Cor. 1:27).

How about the resources and £££ you need for this launch? Are you mad!? That's just plain reckless and crazy! Would you call Jesus reckless and crazy for telling His disciples to feed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:34)?! What about Moses leading a nation of people into the wilderness without sufficient provision (Ex.12:39)? Think about it, if God told him that He would make food from the dust and bring water from a rock do you believe it would be right to doubt Gods abilities? What about Abraham and Isaac on the mountain in Gen. 22? Is there anything too hard for the Lord?

God will provide for us.

Lastly, when thinking through these steps I believe we get a minuscule glimpse of what must have went through Noah's mind when he was building that massive ark on bone-dry ground in preparation for "things not yet seen"(Heb.11:7) and I take great encouragement in his example . "It looks crazy!" "Are you sure about this??" "Do you know what you are doing?" "It doesn't make sense!" "There is no need for this right now!" "This is going to fail!" The list goes on and on, yet the answer always remains: God has spoken, and we will step out in obedience regardless of how crazy circumstances may appear. Are the steps we take out of God's control? Can we, through our risky ventures of faith in pursuit of obedience to Jesus thwart God's plans?
Be encouraged, and pray with us as we move forward in London. May God's will be done, and may He get all the glory.

2Kings 3:15-18 ... But now bring me a musician.”Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him. And he said, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ For thus says the LORD: “You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.And this is a simple matter in the sight of the LORD..."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hello Everyone, just a little update,

Right now Lizzie and I are on a month hiatus in the states visiting friends and family and getting refreshed (not that London isn't refreshing ;) Its been a really sweet time catching up, and seeking to get refreshed in the Lord as well as being a refreshment to others.. We are so thankful for the family and support we have here!

For those that don't already know, our friends the Simas' have got their visa, have arrived in London, and have taken over our flat while we are away! This is an amazing work of God, and if you want all the juicy details check out their blog ( www.prayforlondon.blogspot.com ) and it's all there.. Please pray with us, that God would acclimate them, lead them in His plans for 'em, and provide all their needs in this enormous step.

Though our time in the states has been smashing we are really excited to get back to London and the work God is doing.. Pray that God would go before us and open up a place for us to meet for Church gatherings and for open churches in the city to gather in for the prayer tour in Aug. These are the biggies, outside of God's ultimate glory and exaltation in London...AMEN!?

Here are a couple verses God has given us for this work:

1Cor. 3:6-8 " I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor..."

John 4:34-38 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. Do you not say, “There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true: “One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”

Much love,


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hey friends, things are good here in London-town. Its been a cram session getting ready to visit the States and preparing for the prayer tour. Pray with us, that God would continue to open an effective door to us in London.. 

Here is a blurb about what we talked about and prayed on this week.  
Our calling and mission as a church is to be in community and on mission to the Glory of God. If we are going to live out the N.T. model of church, we must be continually engaging in God and one another through Jesus as a redeemed community identified and built upon the Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Gal. 2:20; Heb. 10:19-25; 1 Pet. 2:1-10)   
So the definition of community has never been settled and is an ongoing discussion among the intelligentsia, in whose company I am not, but here is my basic definition for the sake of this discussion.

Community = Common-Unity - Or a group of individuals united in a shared commonality (i.e. location, language, religion, etc.) The expression and byproduct of community is culture (art, media, institutions, customs, traditions, attitudes, etc.) thus a community can be defined by culture. It can be agreed then that what creates and builds community is relationships. Relationship is the key to community.

Now, Prior to the rising influence of western culture and philosophy, individual identity was more or less wrapped up in each individuals respective pre-existing community, established family, or tribe. One would define themselves as part of a whole in contrast to an isolated individual. Naturally, with this relational reference and dependancy followed a measure of responsibility and accountability to the community they identified with. One wasn't so free to live autonomously. 

Today however, for the most part in modern western culture, individuality is defined by self actualization, which is more dispositional as opposed to a respective role, distinct, and apart from relationship and community, but is enhanced and solidified through relationships. Hence we have the “Rugged Individualist” that is defined in terms of self-sufficiency and independence. We are living in an age of the autonomous that proclaims, “I AM AN INDIVIDUAL!” “I am independent” and "I will not be defined by any one or anything".  

This is contrary to what God has intended :  Gen. 1:26  Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..." 

God is relational! God is an individual community of three. Within the trinity, personhood is defined by relationship: father, son, spirit; and yet the three persons are distinct in terms of their relationship. Distinct individual parts of one.  

In light of this, past and present theologians have been defining human personhood, in the image of God, to be trinitarian, and defined solely upon our relationship to others (Based on the Vertical and Horizontal levels; our relationship with God and with man).  

Thus, rugged individualism, creates greater brokenness and death because it defies our relational nature. We are not our own “individuals” independently free to define and choose who we are of our own volition. We are relational beings, because God created us in his image. We are not self-contained persons, only God is because He is eternal. Therefore, for man to insist upon carrying out an autonomous independent existence is to seek to be like God, which is pride and the epitome of sin (Proverbs 18:1; Romans 1).   

With this in mind, all of humanity in general, is defined first and foremost in relationship to Adam, and therefore all are born into and exist in a community of fallen, broken, sinful rebellion that declares, I am God, I am not dependent nor accountable to anyone or anything. I will be and do what pleases my will, which is complete relational brokenness.    

What we have then, outside of God’s intervention, is humanity Identified by their relationship to Adam, living in rebellion, relationally broken, driving towards death and destruction and yet calling it sophistication or advancement.

But God has intervened and created a new humanity, identified and enveloped in relationship to Himself, which is a redeemed humanity (humanity as He intended). this began with God’s call upon Abraham and is realized and culminated through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In Gen. 12:1 Abraham was “called out” from his nation and family (his identity) to become a new nation in relationship to God. 

This relationship is established in Ex.19:4-6, 24:1-8 through the law and sacrificial system. Israel's identity was enveloped in their relationship to God, bound by the covenant of the Law, and maintained through the sacrificial system. But it wasn’t complete, nor would it be complete until the messiah, and Israel failed to fulfill their role of revealing the glory of God to the nations. But God was faithful to His initial covenant with Abraham and held a remnant that looked forward to a greater fulfillment (the new covenant).   

Jeremiah 31:31 - This new covenant was founded upon and completed through Jesus’ Christ’s work in His life, death, and resurrection, has been sealed in His blood, and held through His faithfulness (Luke 22:14).

Therefore, when we repent of our sin, and put our faith upon the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the place of punishment for our rebellion in Adam, we are saved, and born in to God's redeemed humanity bound in the New Covenant. We become identified with and in Christ through faith and repentance.    

Thus we have God’s redeemed humanity in completion, identified and existing in relationship with God the Father, through God the Son, in God the Holy Spirit, and called to be a testimony of salvation to all nations to the Glory of God. 

This community, this redeemed humanity, is the CHURCH - Matt. 1616-18 -The Church is the “called out” or “assembly” of people who share in the life of God together as individual parts of a whole, which is Biblically called the body of Christ. We are complete in Christ alone.  

The Problem today in the church, is the fact that we live in a secular pluralistic society which testifies that religion is and should be a personal individual and private matter only. This mind-set invades the christian community with the attitude that says “I can be a believer and not be committed or share in christian community. Church is only part of my individual life because I don’t have time to give myself to community."

This is a grievous hypocrisy. Each one of us is the Church! When we give ourselves to Jesus, we are joining in relationship with God and subsequently everyone else who have given their lives to Jesus! You cannot be independent of the Christian community because to be in Christ is to be in community. 

Heb. 10:19-25 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. 


1 Peter 2  also teaches us that we are a new people, a redeemed people, being built together upon and identified in Christ who is the foundation. Christ, The Word is at the center, and we are built together, upon, and around Him alone (not us and Him). 


Knowing this, we need to begin viewing the Church as the center and core of our identity as opposed to part of our individual and self-centered existence, and the essence of this Biblical view is the surrendering, sharing, and giving of ourselves to God and each other in community. We must engage! 

This is what fellowship / communion is: 1 John 1:3 - that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 

This is what the early Church experienced! Their lives were completely enveloped in Jesus and each other. They lived their lives not independently, but shared in community together as distinct individual members of a whole. 

Acts 2:46-47 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. 

We are God’s “called out” people. Called to live as a redeemed community, identified and centered upon Jesus, The Word of God, proclaiming to this world the salvation of God through our worship of God, to the Glory of God. When this is lived out, God is most glorified and the church is most fruitful. 

If we are going to live out the N.T. model of church, we must be continually engaging in God and one another through Jesus as a redeemed community identified and built upon the Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the glory of God. 


Thursday, May 14, 2009

"My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest..." -Ex. 33:14

One encouraging book I've been reading is by C.H. Spurgeon entitled "Only a Prayer Meeting", which is a compilation of different studies on prayer and various prayer meeting addresses I highly recommend. The subject of prayer and the role of the church prayer meeting was central to Spurgeon and I am always stoked up when I read his discourses concerning prayer.

We are currently calling upon God to build His church in this city by saving the lost, and by supplying a place for us to gather corporately for worship in the future. Though we know that we are taking part in the greater work of God, it's still a daily temptation to get overwhelmed knowing that we are God's instruments to accomplish His mission. Much like Moses, we are often led to that place of desperation that cries out to God, "show me now Your way, that I may know you and that I may find grace in your sight." and "If Your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here." 

This leads to the exhortation Spurgeon gives concerning the above verse. * 

Moses, in Ex. 33 cries out to God in need of some superior help to which God replies, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Spurgeon comments:   

"What more could Moses want then that, and what more can we want? We are so foolish that we look about for strength away from God, but there is none except in Him."

Whatever great work God has called us to be used in, "... this is the assurance that you want in going forth, 'My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.' You will want much help in journeying from place to place; and that help lies in the constant fellowship of your heart with the Lord, the continual presence of God consciously enjoyed...We are only strong as we are overshadowed by the Eternal." 

"My presence shall go with thee." 

Moses, "is about to start on a journey of great importance, a journey that is to last for forty years; but this is all the provender that he needs, and God himself could not give him more... The most important thing to a Christian worker, as it was with Moses, is to have rest..." 

It's so refreshing to rest in the truth that God IS working, even if we feel like we are, like Moses, somewhere out in the middle of the desert. To know that God's presence goes with us, and that His rest will sustain us through the difficult path before us. Praise be to God that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that He will complete that good work which He has began in and through us...

Oh Lord, if your presence doesn't go with us, do not bring us up from here...

Please pray with us, that God would show us where to have future church gatherings, and that He would build His Church! 

Much love to ya'll 

* C. H. Spurgeon, Only a Prayer Meeting
" Another Spiritual Honey-Drop" Pg.83-84  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This is a long one...

We had a blessed time at the prayer meeting this last week focusing on the power of true worship and its place in our lives. God has been so faithful to meet up with us during our prayer meetings, and its really been refreshing and encouraging. 

Lately, we have wanted to, and have already started a little (a few blogs back) posting the focal point of our prayer meeting each week. This way people can know the heart of what's goin' on with us and can join in our prayer and discussion. Actively speaking, there is nothing more valuable and powerful then prayer in the life of the church. Not mere monotonous, dry religious prayer, which flows from a heart preoccupied with the worship of things created; But pure and true prayer that pours out of a heart of worship to God,  from a reservoir filled with the life and presence of God the creator. We want to see the power of God move through our prayer, and it surely will if it is truly a response of worship to God. Otherwise we are wasting our time and energy, not to mention our entire existence.

Which leads me to the point of worship. Here's a definition in general concerning all people:
Worship is our (anyone's) response to what we BELIEVE will bring TOTAL satisfaction in life, which can and should be a single object (i.e. Jesus), however for many it is a plurality of things. 

Every human being that walks this earth worships, simply because we were created for that purpose. Worshiping isn't just something we do, it's what we are. We exist for God's glory, and God is glorified through our worship, therefore our existence is continually made up of worship, either of the creator or the created.  

It's in the action of worship that we give (offer or submit) ourselves fully to the object of our worship (that which we believe brings total satisfaction), ultimately exalting and giving glory and authority to that object, and sacrifice everything in relation to ourselves for the object of our worship (i.e. time, money, relationships, work etc.) naturally making glory, worship, and sacrifice all bound up together, but glory is the ultimate end and thirst or desire of the initiator. 

Our Conclusion then: God alone is Glorious, we were created to give glory through worship to that which is worthy of glory, therefore all of creation must worship the true and living God to reach complete fulfillment. For us to worship anything else in any other way would fall short of God's glory, which is idolatry, and the essence of sin. 

Romans 1:18-23 - The crux of all sin is that created man has taken God's glory and has given it to something created.    

This brings us to the heart of the matter. Are we fulfilling our purpose and existence by being completely fulfilled and satisfied in God? Do we believe that only God can satisfy and fulfill us completely?(Psalm 16:11 - "You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.", Psa. 34:8 "Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!") Are we living lives of worship to God, seeking and being satisfied completely in Him, enjoying and experiencing Him through Jesus? Or are we living in unbelief, looking and giving ourselves to created things for comfort and satisfaction, thus giving worship and glory to things that fall short? Here is the truth: The world, flesh, and the devil tell us to look to ANYTHING but Jesus for satisfaction, but God says NOTHING will satisfy and complete us but Him. 

And so our prayer is that God would lead us in identifying the idols in our lives and culture, recognize that they fall short and will not satisfy us, and turn ourselves and return to the fountain of living waters in Jesus. 

If our worship of God is not satisfying and completely fulfilling then we are missing the mark, living in unbelief, and worshiping idols. As John Piper is renown for saying " God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in HIM"  

Thursday, April 30, 2009

So we have had an exciting last few weeks! Last week we were blessed to be able to visit Chicago for the Gospel Coalition 2009 National Conference , which was an absolutely amazing and encouraging time. It was so nice to see our church fam again and get to know some of  the new additions to the staff of LA. 

It was also so awesome to see the diversity of denominational backgrounds and styles represented at the conference in the unity of the Word and Spirit. There's nothing more refreshing then to see the body of Christ unite under the banner of the Gospel of Jesus. We all like to talk about it, but it is a whole other thing to witness it. And man, the messages we heard rocked us, convicted us, and stirred us up with excitement for the ministry in London! Words about identifying and destroying idols in culture, facing and defeating fear in life and ministry by God's power, and Preaching the gospel to culture in word & deed, all which were so applicable to us in London. We are so thankful for the amazing opportunity to go. May the Lord use it to impact our lives and community for His glory. 

We also got to walk around the streets of Chicago and actually see a game at Wrigley Field! The Cubs lost, as they do often, but it was incredible to see and experience such a historic park, and of course eat all the ballpark junk-food we possibly can.

Now that we're back though, its all about continuing upon the foundation of prayer and engaging in preparation for the prayer tour in Aug. For those of you that don't know, we are planning to host a prayer tour of London Aug. 19-24 with our church family from LA and Carpinteria along with those in our London crew. The Plan is to gather together over the span of several days in different areas of the city for worship and prayer. We believe the Bible, and there we find the single most important work when stepping out in ministry is the work of prayer. We know thats because when we pray we are entrusting the work to God, and it is His work! When Jesus looked upon the lost multitudes, He had compassion on them as a shepherd has for faint and scattered sheep, and He commanded His disciples, not to get right to work, but to first PRAY to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest (Matt. 9:36). So we are praying for GOD to work in our city to reach the lost, to use us in His mission, and send more laborers into the harvest. Also, when Jesus looked over the city of Jerusalem He cried "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under [her] wings, and ye would not!" The heart of God Breaks over the lost cities of the world, and we want our heart to break with His. So we are also going to pray and seek to receive the heart of Jesus for this city as He longs for all to be saved in this great city! 

We also want to catch God's vision for this city and grab hold of it through prayer, and for those that are visiting, we want them to be stirred up for the work in London so they can return home and continue praying and interceding for this great city with a fervent heart.

Furthermore, we know that God breaks down strongholds and sends the hosts of hell running when His people pray, and we want the name of Jesus to be proclaimed and glorified in the streets of London, Amen!

We will also be, Lord willing, launching our official church services during the prayer tour as well!  

So, to say the least, we are more then stoked about this upcoming summer! With that, there is a lot of prayer needed in all this preparation, as our plans will come to nothing unless the Lord goes before us, and provides for us. May His will be done in all of this for His glory.

Thank you all for your continued love & support in the Lord! 

All for Jesus, 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"...But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
     - Acts 1:8 

Simply put, The sole purpose of the church is to glorify God through the witness of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. This purpose is fulfilled only by God, the Holy Spirit, through His redeemed people, the church. 

It's God's glory, God's revelation, God's witness, and God's work through the agency of God's people. 

And so we must remind ourselves that as the church, we are God's instrument, God's vehicle for the accomplishment of God's mission to the nations. 

What we need then is not more self-generated power of plans, programs, or personalities; we need the power of God through the person of the Holy Spirit. We need more of God, the Holy Spirit in us, to drive us, to use us as His instrument; like a microphone in His hands to amplify His message to the world. 

" Unless the LORD builds the house,

They labor in vain who build it;

Unless the LORD guards the city..."

- Psalm 127:1

We need the power of God in us, driving us, and using us to achieve His mission!! 

We must, therefore, with all we have, seek God to permeate every part of our lives. knowing simply that the more we surrender to God, the more He will be able to use us as His vehicles of blessing. 

This is our prayer. We want God to use us for His glory, as we were created for that purpose. We must wait expectantly, in faith, knowing that it is God's will to fill us and use us. We must wait persistently, knowing that God has spoken, that His promises will not be broken, that He is at work in this world, and that He will answer us when we call. Finally, we must wait actively, in worship, responding to God in active surrender and repentance as God reveals Himself to us, stepping out with faith in every opportunity presented to us expecting God to work. 

God is on mission. His mission is salvation to every tribe, tongue, and nation for His glory. His means of accomplishing His mission is the church. In every testimony of salvation in the New Testament there was a human instrument used by (God) the Holy Spirit to bring life to the dead. 

We are desperate for God. Pray with us.       

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

 "The coming together of the saints is the first part of Pentecost, and the gathering of sinners is the second. It began with 'only a prayer meeting' but ended with a grand baptism of thousands of converts."   - C.H. Spurgeon  

As 'Church-planters' our first plan of action really a reaction. We don't initiate anything in this whole process, which is a truth we gladly embrace. Jesus is the beginning and end, and Jesus spoke loud and clear that HE would build HIS Church. 

Planting Churches isn't our mission, it's God's mission, and we are simply partnering in that. God is the true 'pioneer' missionary as He came into this world to bring the Gospel and is calling us to take part in His mission today. We are only responding to what Jesus has already begun in this world and more specifically in our city.  

God works, we respond. 

That said, as man's response to God always begins (and continues) with prayer, we are engaging in a prayer meeting corporately on a weekly basis. Prayer is the lifeline of the church and we will live and die together in prayer if nothing else. If reality London is forever known as 'only a prayer meeting' than we would be one of the most notable and effective churches in the world as far as God is concerned. So, we will pray. 

As a church there are two foundational points, or pillars, that we are endeavoring to lay through all this. These foundational truths are our very heart and lungs, are of equal value, and must never be neglected lest we die a slow death, Which are:

I. JESUS holds the POSITION of Preeminence in His Church PERSONALLY.   

I. PRAYER holds the PLACE of Preeminence in the Church ACTIVELY. 

I. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church Positionally (Col.1:18) and personally. Therefore, the supreme purpose for our gathering together is to seek Jesus and Jesus alone. Jesus holds all the authority, and deserves all the glory. Jesus is the source of our life and salvation (personally & corporately); therefore we will seek him and wait upon Him alone. Our faith is founded on and sustained upon our relationship with Jesus. Ultimately, If you could sum up the purpose of the Church in one word, its Jesus. The position of Jesus Christ in His Church is the position of Preeminence. 

I. Our relationship with God begins with prayer for,"Whoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved" The church, as revealed in the Book of Acts, was born through a prayer meeting, making prayer both the lifeline of the church and the primary call of the church. Jesus, echoing the voice of the father declared, "My house shall be a House of Prayer." Over and over, the scriptures declare the first and primary activity of the Church is prayer. The place of prayer is the place of preeminence. 

And so we are beginning as a church by responding to God in prayer with our eyes upon Jesus alone, and will continue in this fashion until He returns. We believe it will be upon this foundation that God will build His church in this city as we partner with Him in His mission to the world.