"The coming together of the saints is the first part of Pentecost, and the gathering of sinners is the second. It began with 'only a prayer meeting' but ended with a grand baptism of thousands of converts." - C.H. Spurgeon
As 'Church-planters' our first plan of action really a reaction. We don't initiate anything in this whole process, which is a truth we gladly embrace. Jesus is the beginning and end, and Jesus spoke loud and clear that HE would build HIS Church.
Planting Churches isn't our mission, it's God's mission, and we are simply partnering in that. God is the true 'pioneer' missionary as He came into this world to bring the Gospel and is calling us to take part in His mission today. We are only responding to what Jesus has already begun in this world and more specifically in our city.
God works, we respond.
That said, as man's response to God always begins (and continues) with prayer, we are engaging in a prayer meeting corporately on a weekly basis. Prayer is the lifeline of the church and we will live and die together in prayer if nothing else. If reality London is forever known as 'only a prayer meeting' than we would be one of the most notable and effective churches in the world as far as God is concerned. So, we will pray.
As a church there are two foundational points, or pillars, that we are endeavoring to lay through all this. These foundational truths are our very heart and lungs, are of equal value, and must never be neglected lest we die a slow death, Which are:
I. JESUS holds the POSITION of Preeminence in His Church PERSONALLY.
I. PRAYER holds the PLACE of Preeminence in the Church ACTIVELY.
I. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church Positionally (Col.1:18) and personally. Therefore, the supreme purpose for our gathering together is to seek Jesus and Jesus alone. Jesus holds all the authority, and deserves all the glory. Jesus is the source of our life and salvation (personally & corporately); therefore we will seek him and wait upon Him alone. Our faith is founded on and sustained upon our relationship with Jesus. Ultimately, If you could sum up the purpose of the Church in one word, its Jesus. The position of Jesus Christ in His Church is the position of Preeminence.
I. Our relationship with God begins with prayer for,"Whoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved" The church, as revealed in the Book of Acts, was born through a prayer meeting, making prayer both the lifeline of the church and the primary call of the church. Jesus, echoing the voice of the father declared, "My house shall be a House of Prayer." Over and over, the scriptures declare the first and primary activity of the Church is prayer. The place of prayer is the place of preeminence.
And so we are beginning as a church by responding to God in prayer with our eyes upon Jesus alone, and will continue in this fashion until He returns. We believe it will be upon this foundation that God will build His church in this city as we partner with Him in His mission to the world.