We want to tell everyone about the wonderful things God has done for us as a way to encourage and strengthen believers everywhere to step out and step up in their walk of faith. And to show those that do not believe yet that there is a God that loves them so purely and wholly that He has left no stone unturned to find them and bring out of darkness and into the light of salvation.
God has answered every prayer in abundance and with compassion. We were able to get a bank account right away, cell phones and even a sweet little two bedroom cottage to live in within a few weeks of being here. He has continued to provide miraculously for our expenses and even moved on a sweet sisters heart to send us $2000 to buy a car to get around in. Praise God!
He has provided not only financially and practically but spiritually as He has comforted us with ALL comfort during this huge transitional period. He has been speaking to us about the importance of studying His Word, praying without ceasing and battling our enemy with our spiritual armor and without fear. Because He has overcome even death.
Our weeks in England have been a bit unorganized and random since we have moved here. Filled with getting our house in order, getting to know people at Calvary Twickenham and going into the city to pray about where God would lead us to plant Reality London.
We have felt it on our hearts to go into the city (we are just outside of it) once a week to pray and scout out the land for possible future ministry. We have been drawn to the North since before we even moved here and feel confirmed more and more that that is where we will end up. There are two areas in particular that we are seeking God's guidance for; Camden Town and Notting Hill. Both are very different but equally desperate in their need for Jesus.
Camden Town is sort of like stepping into the warped and twisted world of a Tim Burton movie. There are vendors of every kind there, which mainly cater to the rebellious and dark side of the human heart. A lot of goth and punk shops on the high street (main street) along with shops that promote eastern mysticism and pagan culture. When we stepped off the tube there we immediately felt a sense of oppression and despair and thought, "wow these people really need to hear the good news of the gospel!" Which is true of all places but we felt it more keenly here. In the Camden area there is such an oppressive and rebellious spirit among the youth and we see that as a cry for help and a sign of hope that they are ripe to hear about Jesus' love and forgiveness.
Notting Hill is the other area that we have visited and felt lead to pray for. There is a lot of interesting history about this borough of Northern London that gives it a very vibrant and diverse flavor. It was for a long time, an area where "civilized" people were urged to stay away from because of the instability and violence during the 50's and 60's. During that time there was a large Caribbean population that faced a lot of racial discrimination and the hard life of poverty. But since then, Notting Hill, has really emerged as one of London's trendiest areas to live whilst maintaining it's rich diversity and eclectic lifestyle. But to contrast that there is a huge spiritual void that is not being filled. Even though the outward has grown in amazing ways over the past few decades the churches' influence has not and we want to see God change that!
Lord give us wisdom and clarity of mind to see where you would have us go!
There is much ministry to do here and the depravity is almost too overwhelming for us to see at times. There are stories of teenagers being knifed in bar fights weekly, we see little children walking around with no respect for life or honor and the church declining daily as a place of authority, truth or respect. But, God has shown us that He loves these special people and the love with which God loves demands action and care. We want to partner with Him to do that!
Partnering with us.
There are several ways in which you can be apart of what God is doing here with Reality London.
1) Intercession. Please join us in battle as we intercede on behalf of London and the churches here. Jesus put such an emphasis on prayer through word and deed and we want to follow that example diligently and ask that you would do the same as you are lead by the Spirit.
-Spirit filled life. We NEED God to pour out His Spirit on us so that we would be equipped and empowered to share Christ with the dying and lost and that God would bring a conviction of sin to all that hear the precious message of salvation.
-Mark's study time. Satan loves to attack this area with distractions and even seemingly good things like ministry but he has felt very strongly that as a Pastor he needs to spend a lot of time at Jesus' feet and not busy himself with too much ministry and service.
-Marriage. How sweet and wonderful it is but what an area of great attack as well. We want to stand firm in the Lord and maintain a tight and loving relationship until we meet our Lord face to face.
2) Laborers. The harvest is so enormous but so few people are here to help plant, water and disciple. Please pray that God would speak to those that He is calling to come and help us in this great and wonderful city.
3) Financial support. God has really been moving in peoples hearts to help share the load by supporting us financially as we minister out here. Thank you! But the reality is that once we move into the city the cost of living will rise dramatically. And not only that but we will need financial provision to rent a venue to have church in and to do outreaches. God WILL supply all our needs but pray and see if God would use you to help in this way.
That's it for now.
We love you guys and want to thank you for being such an amazing church family. What a blessing it is to hear from you, pray for you and partner with you. Praise God that He uses fools like us!
Mark & Lizzie